计算语言学教育部重点实验室学术论坛:Teaching Machines to Converse




演讲题目:Teaching Machines to Converse



Title: Teaching Machines to Converse

Abstract: Recent advances in neural network models present both new opportunities and challenges for developing conversational agents. Current chatbot systems still face a variety of issues: they tend to output dull and generic responses such as "I don't know what you are talking about"; they lack a consistent or a coherent persona; they are usually optimized through single-turn conversations and are incapable of handling the long-term success of a conversation; and they are not able to take the advantage of the interactions with humans. 

In this talk, I will discuss how we can handle the issues mentioned above, and how to design a chatbot that is able to output more interesting, interactive and human-like responses. Specifically, I will talk about how to avoid the pitfall of outputting dull responses using mutual information; how to incorporate speaker embedding into the neural generation model to endow a bot with a coherent persona; how to handle the long-term success of a conversation using reinforcement learning and adversarial learning; and how to give a bot the ability to ask questions and make it smart about when to ask questions.

Bio: Jiwei Li just got his Ph.D in Computer Science from Stanford University, advised by Prof. Dan Jurafsky. His research interests lie in Natural Language Processing, with a focus on deep learning applications in dialogues, language generation and discourses. He was a recipient of Facebook fellowship of 2015, Baidu fellowship of 2016.



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